1. Mouse Over-Reach

Full-size keyboards force gamers to reach around the keyboard to grip the mouse. This posture puts excessive strain on your wrist, elbow and shoulder. TKL and “Tournament Edition” keyboards reduce the footprint, but they don’t go far enough. And aggressively rotating the keyboard to generate more mousing room just creates a different set of problems.

The Freestyle Edge RGB lets you move the right half of the keyboard out of the way so you can position your mouse inside of your right shoulder for more comfort, precision, and dexterity. When you are comfortable, your baseline level of performance increases. The Edge is especially great for low-DPI mousing and eliminates those nasty collisions with your keyboard. For typing, start with the key modules close together and gradually work them out to shoulder-width until you find the optimal configuration.

The ultra-compact 60% layout of TKO eliminates all the extra key actions and moves them into the embedded Fn Layer. Without the keypad and navigation keys, you can position your mouse inside of your right shoulder for more comfort, precision, and dexterity. When you are comfortable, your baseline level of performance increases. The TKO is perfect for tournaments and LANs where space is at a premium and a stamina boost can be the different between winning and losing.

2. Forearm Pronation

Traditional flat keyboards force you to type and game with your wrists facing down towards the desktop. This pronated posture causes your ulna and radius bones to rotate which increases pressure on the forearm muscles and reduces circulation. Forearm Pronation causes fatigue and can even lead to repetitive strain injuries that knock you out of the game.

Split keyboards that support tented configurations allow gamers to elevate the thumb-side of their hands. Research has shown that tenting relieves forearm tension for maximum comfort and stamina. With the optional Lift Kit, the Freestyle Edge RGB can be tented to at three heights: Low, Medium, and High. Start off at the lowest setting and work your way up until you find the optimal configuration.

The TKO is the first conventional 1-piece keyboard to feature a tenting solution designed specifically for gaming. Pop out the big legs on the underside of the keyboard to elevate the thumb-side of your keyboard hand. Research has shown that tenting relieves forearm tension for maximum comfort and stamina. Available for both lefties and righties. Caution: Do not attempt to type with both hands on the TKO when it is in the tented configuration.

3. Wrist Extension

Traditional keyboards slope up from front to back causing your wrist to bend backwards when gaming. When your fingers are higher than the wrist joint circulation is reduced which can lead to pain, fatigue, and even numbness. It may feel familiar, but try not to use the pop-up feet which make the problem even worse.

The Freestyle Edge RGB addresses painful Wrist Extension with zero degree slope and uniform keycaps so the back row of keys is the same height as the front row. The included cushioned Palm Supports keep your wrists at a neutral angle and fully supported so you can play longer and take fewer breaks.

The TKO addresses painful Wrist Extension with a built-in zero degree slope so the back row of keys is the same height as the front row. If you want a conventional front-to-back “positive slope” just deploy the small legs on the back edge of the keyboard. While this posture may feel familiar, note that it can cause wrist strain. Some users may want to experiment with negative tilt for even less wrist strain by popping out the small legs on the front edge of the keyboard.

4. Ulnar Deviation

Ulnar deviation occurs when your wrists are bent outward in the direction of your little finger because the home row keys are narrower than shoulder width. Ulnar deviation is one of the most common and dangerous keyboard postures because it constricts blood flow through your wrist, creates static muscle tension, reduces the size of the carpal tunnel which puts pressure on the median nerve.

Due to its compactness, Gamers can easily to rotate the Freestyle Edge RGB to reduce ulnar deviation and obtain optimal key coverage without having the keyboard dictate where to place the mouse. Positioning the mouse and keyboard independently means both hands are in the optimal position for maximum comfort and performance. The Edge is ideal for typing and games that require two hands on the keyboard because you can independently rotate the modules to eliminate Ulnar Deviation on both hands. Start with a small clockwise rotation and work your way out to what feels most natural.

Thanks to its ultra-compact layout, the TKO is incredibly easy to rotate to reduce ulnar deviation and obtain optimal key coverage. For players who enjoy aggressively rotating their keyboard the TKO is perfect because you can do so fully without impacting your mouse placement. Positioning the mouse and keyboard independently means both hands are in the optimal position for maximum comfort and performance. If you are new to rotating, start with a small clockwise rotation and work your way out to what feels most natural.

5. Ask the Experts from 1HP

I’m just another gamer, but… I’m also a trained Physical Therapist, Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. I see all kinds of injuries – Post-Surgery, Sports, Repetitive Strain, Low Back and of course those related to poor posture and work.

I decided to marry my two passions when I noticed how little gamers know about their own bodies and how to manage their health.  I found that when I stalked gaming forums, subreddits and even watched some professional gamers stream – there was a very obvious lack of knowledge with regards to fitness and health management.  I created 1HP to provide gamers with resources for managing their overall health, fitness, and mental well-being.

Contact Matt

Hi! I’m Cait. I’m a physical therapist and the Performance and Esports Medicine Director of 1HP, a company that provides health and performance services to players, teams, and organizations. I work with everyone from pro players on teams like Complexity and Team Liquid to young up-and-comers playing in high school and collegiate leagues.

I’ve been working in gaming and esports since 2015, but I’ve been playing my fair share and then some of Zelda, Guild Wars, and Dota since long before that. I love that I get to combine two of my favorite things, PT and gaming, to help gamers play more and hurt less!

Contact Cait

Hey, I’m Kev and I am an Australian Esports Physio, a University teacher, and of course a gamer. Since I was five, I’ve grinded games like Smash Bros, CS:GO, Overwatch, Dota 2 and heaps more.

As part of 1HP, we’re here to teach YOU, how to play longer, play better, and play with less pain. As physios we know how muscles and joints work from head to toe, and I’ve been a physio since 2013. I am the Esports Research Lead for 1HP, which means we study gamers and crunch numbers to find out what issues gamers like you might face, what stuff really works to solve it!

Contact Kevin

Hello! I am a Chiropractor who also happens to love gaming. League of Legends and Starcraft 2 were the titles that got me into the Esports world. I am obviously nowhere near good enough to compete but helping others to perform better is my passion as a clinician.

My main goal as a chiropractor is to help people help themselves. Yes, hands-on treatment is part of my repertoire but the best patient is the one who knows how to manage their condition and feels empowered to do what they love. Gamers in particular can feel like they are at war with their body before they even get into the game. I want to change that. I want gaming to be about the competition and the joy instead of wondering when your hands and wrists are going to start to hurt.

Contact Jon